Fireplace Logs Turning Black. if your fireplace is leaving soot on the glass, it’s a sign that it’s not burning the gas properly. This problem is usually caused by a dirty burner or a drafty fireplace. Any good technician can help you achieve this by. The black material on the logs could come from soot or creosote buildup over time if you’re using an open flame instead of a gas fireplace. if your fireplace only recently began exhibiting yellow flames or high soot levels, it may need to have its air intake shutters cleaned. the main reason why your gas logs are turning black is due to a buildup of soot on the logs, which can be due to the fuel in the fireplace not burning properly or even. a rich gas mixture makes the flame more orange and flickering, which is appealing to most fireplace owners, but too. when your fireplace logs start to turn black, it may be a sign that the log set is in the wrong place. To clean the burner, simply remove it from the fireplace and scrape away any debris with a wire brush.
To clean the burner, simply remove it from the fireplace and scrape away any debris with a wire brush. This problem is usually caused by a dirty burner or a drafty fireplace. if your fireplace only recently began exhibiting yellow flames or high soot levels, it may need to have its air intake shutters cleaned. the main reason why your gas logs are turning black is due to a buildup of soot on the logs, which can be due to the fuel in the fireplace not burning properly or even. Any good technician can help you achieve this by. if your fireplace is leaving soot on the glass, it’s a sign that it’s not burning the gas properly. when your fireplace logs start to turn black, it may be a sign that the log set is in the wrong place. a rich gas mixture makes the flame more orange and flickering, which is appealing to most fireplace owners, but too. The black material on the logs could come from soot or creosote buildup over time if you’re using an open flame instead of a gas fireplace.
Northwest 21.5 in. Freestanding Classic Electric Log Fireplace in Black
Fireplace Logs Turning Black when your fireplace logs start to turn black, it may be a sign that the log set is in the wrong place. if your fireplace is leaving soot on the glass, it’s a sign that it’s not burning the gas properly. the main reason why your gas logs are turning black is due to a buildup of soot on the logs, which can be due to the fuel in the fireplace not burning properly or even. when your fireplace logs start to turn black, it may be a sign that the log set is in the wrong place. This problem is usually caused by a dirty burner or a drafty fireplace. Any good technician can help you achieve this by. To clean the burner, simply remove it from the fireplace and scrape away any debris with a wire brush. a rich gas mixture makes the flame more orange and flickering, which is appealing to most fireplace owners, but too. The black material on the logs could come from soot or creosote buildup over time if you’re using an open flame instead of a gas fireplace. if your fireplace only recently began exhibiting yellow flames or high soot levels, it may need to have its air intake shutters cleaned.